Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome Holladays!!

My holiday plans have been ruined :(( No beach No merlion hiksss Poor me :'(. No need to linger in sadness. Lets be cheerful! I started this holiday with painted my nails.Not really neat coz the nail polish is so old and sticky.Here they are :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fave Stuffe!

These are my most fave things!

I love Hai Miiko comic since in elementary.It used to be Namaku Miiko.I collect all of the comics in every version.It told about a little girl named Miiko who had an interesting life.You should read that comic by urself and you'd be kinda hard to stop laughing coz there's many silly things that miiko did.It's also teaches us about the real mean of friendship.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday was my Mom's Birthday. I made a simple birthday surprise. When she was sleeping, i went to Shelley's house to took the gift.Then when she was waking up,i showed this one :)

Actually its not only from me.Its from Eki too :p

Last nite,my family celebrated Mom's 50th Birthday.

wishing you the greatest things mom God bless you

Friday, April 15, 2011

Here we are 12 IPS 1 !!!!!
Wish us luck for National Exam :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

This is made by my pals, Shelley and Ayu. They made it to tell about my another pal,Jessica.Slightly dramatized story with a little joke. I will miss it so bad..

Friday, April 1, 2011


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Gonna be FUN memories.

Gak berasa banget,gue udah nyaris setahun bareng anak anak 12 IPS 1.Bentar lagi kita lulus dan bakal mencar mencar  . Ada yg ke luar kota buat kuliah,ada yang beda kampus dll. We have been through all this time together with mad and fun :') . Hari ini tanggal 1 april, gue sengaja buat bawa kamera buat dokumentasiin foto foto kegilaan dan kebersamaan kita dikelas yg susah banget diatur ini. Ini bakal jadi kenang kenangan yg menyenangkan.Sayang banget nih hari ini kelas kurang 2 personil,Tania & Felix. Hmm gapapa deh,lain kali ya kita foto foto lagi :) .Will miss you guys so much.. xxooxx 


Ferdian a.K.a. Jacky!

Ayuuu,lagi lirik siapa siiiih?

Bang Jehian

Koko Gerry


Funny (anak ips 2 mampir) n Jeje
Sabby n Rani
Iseng bener.Poni gue cupuuu!

Romansa SMA haha >:)
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Lagi denger dongeng Yohandi

Galak amat seh..
